• M. Ibrahim Ashari Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, ITN Malang
  • Rachmadi Setiawan Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, ITN Malang


In FM radio receivers many frequency instabilities are found in the form of interference from other transmitter radio frequencies. This requires a frequency locking system that can lock the frequency of the relationship between the reference frequency and the frequency wave generated by VCO. The locking system is the Phase Locked Loop system. The Phase Locked loop system requires a divider frequency circuit that uses IC TC9122, input the IC frequency divider will experience a division process that is controlled by a DIP Switch that has been calculated based on the desired frequency to be locked. With this background, it is necessary to create Frequency Dividers for Phase Locked Loops Based on IC TC9122 ", because they see how important PLL is in the radio reception system as a frequency stabilizer. The results of this tool get stability, if the DIP Switch value is calculated based on multiplication of 8 stable prescaler frequencies. To obtain the output frequency stability, the calculation refers to the output of the prescaler 8 divider.


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