Pelatihan Pembuatan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Bagi Guru-guru MI Hidayatus Sibyan Wonokoyo
The development of information technology today is very diverse and has penetrated various aspects of human life. Advances in information technology are also starting to spread and develop in the world of education. New innovations continue to be created to develop education, especially in learning media.
Likewise, MI Hidayatus Sibyan Wonokoyo Kedung Kandang Malang, which must prepare its teachers and educational staff to be ready to face the challenges of this technological development. The lack of adequate resources regarding interactive learning media, how to make them and how to use technology, ultimately requires training to be carried out in making learning media.
From the results of the initial survey, it was decided to provide training on creating interactive learning media using PowerPoint as a supporting tool. The results of the training can be seen from the pre-test and post-test scores which tend to increase, although the increase is an average of 23%, but this already shows that training for teachers and education personnel is worth continuing, so that it can produce more human resources. creative and innovative in utilizing information technology as a learning medium for students