• Achmad Rony Syafrudin Program Studi Teknik Informatika STMIK PPKIA Pradnya Paramita Malang
  • Antonius Duty Susilo
  • Mahmud Yunus Program Studi Teknik Informatika STMIK PPKIA Pradnya Paramita Malang


The need for access to data across the network has now become one of the primary needs PT. Indonesian Tobacco.Purposes of data access can be realized if the company has a public IP functioned to access internal applications, vpn and cctv. The problem occurs because the public IP obtained from the internet provider is dynamic (always changing) so the impact on the configuration of the client-side gateway.the method that implemented is to change the public IP address to a fixed domain, the domain used is a domain that is free with no-ip.org with address iticmalang.no-ip.org. Configuration is configured in the router includes a domain update script and scheduler, if the public IP changes and scheduler are met then the router will request to change the IP domain domain with a public IP configured on the router


Key words : mikrotic, CCTV, VPN, domain, gateway


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