• Muhammad Yunus Program Studi Teknik Informatika STMIK PPKIA Pradnya Paramita Malang
  • Luqman Affandi Program Studi Teknik Informatika STMIK PPKIA Pradnya Paramita Malang
  • Eny Farida STMIK PPKIA Pradnya Paramita Malang


Application of the Qur'an is one of the many programs developed to play store. However, application of the art of reading the Qur'an is still not a lot, especially on android based applications, whereas science is necessary for every Muslim to and the qori 'and qori'ah, Learning the art of the song read the Qur'an it is difficult. Therefore, the teacher or teachers, especially in Qur'anic Education Park (TPA) difficulty in learning and searching qira'atil quran tutor. They do not care as long as the distance traveled to meet and study with qira'atil quran tutor. Art program read the Koran has advantages compared with other applications because it can run on all android devices. Making this program by using several methods: data collection methods, design methods, and methods of implementation. Where the method of data collection consisted of: interviews, literature, and analysis, while the design method consists of tracing requirements phase, analysis phase, the design phase of the application, and the phase of making the application, and for the implementation of the method comprising: coding phase, testing phase and evaluation phase. Application art of reading the Quran can be used as a guide to reading and understanding the art of reading the Quran as well as a variety of songs from qira'atil Quran.


Keywords: Android, Qira'atil Quran, Tausyih


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